ASHULIA Zubair Ahmed

ASHULIA Zubair Ahmed



The publication of Ashulia, Zubair Ahmed's first book, marks the emergence of a new and exciting voice in American poetry. A unique sensibility and style, a faith in the ethereal, a deep belief in the image - these things reveal a poet of uncommon talents who is determined to exist nowhere but in his own lyrical impulses and complexities. Ashulia is an achievement by any standard. 

26 copies have been hand-bound into cloth-covered boards. See Special Editions page for ordering information.

"Zubair Ahmed is the kind of poet that reminds me to keep my heart open and the door to my soul unlocked. In one poem Mr. Ahmed writes, 'I walk these hallways with an arrow in my tongue.' I would follow this poet down any hallway in the world." 

—Matthew Dickman


Zubair Ahmed was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 2005 his family won the DV (Diversity Visa Program) lottery, which enabled them to immigrate to the United States. He studies Mechanical Engineering and Creative Writing at Stanford University. His work has appeared in The Believer and Tin House, and his first full-length collection, Dhaka City, is forthcoming in the McSweeney's Poetry Series.

28 pages | hand-sewn chapbook | 5.5 x 7.5 in.
ISBN-13: 978-1-935635-10-9

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